Who would be the most annoying IRL colleague.
This show was so relatable because we’ve all worked with (less exaggerated) versions of the characters IRL, but I’m wondering who’d be the absolute least bearable in a real work environment.
The candidates:
Kelly - Annoying overly chatty youngster who doesn’t take work seriously.
Andy - Weird kiss ass.
Dwight - Very weird kiss ass.
Angela - Stuck up overly legalistic prude.
Oscar - Mr Actually know it all.
Pam - Inept and gets by on marginal looks + makes everything about herself.
Toby - Mentally checked out person with critical job function.
Meredith - Overly flirtatious but not attractive.
I intentionally omitted Michael because he’s too obvious and I’ve actually worked for comically inept bosses before and they’re not annoying, they’re depressing. I’d probably find Ryan and Jim pretty cool to work with and find Stanley avuncular.