Patch Notes for 10/12/2024




Voting Phases

  • During voting, it’s no longer possible to see changes in influence, solari, or CHOAM ownership in other factions.
  • It’s no longer possible to buy CHOAM Shares during voting
  • Selling CHOAM Shares during voting no longer reduces the price instantly. All such reductions are then applied all at once at the end of the council.
  • Insider Trading gives +2 -> +1 influence per share sold
  • With the development “insider trading”, selling CHOAM shares during voting gives 50% less solari.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix “incursion” conquest mission timer discrepancy (the same issue might still appear in “assault” mission, it should be fixed soon)
  • Fremen warrior gear “Dry Training” no longer reduces max health with negative Water