Why do you sometimes put schön and sometimes not when saying thank you?

I’ve had to use both forms “Danke Schön” and just “Danke” and im really curious if they mean the same thing and are just two different ways of saying the same thing or if they mean different things or if you say one in one situation and the other in a different one. To prevent any confusion, English is my first language and im learning German, im doing the reverse tree while doing the regular one, in the case of the picture I was doing it as if I already spoke German.

I’ve had to use both forms “Danke Schön” and just “Danke” and im really curious if they mean the same thing and are just two different ways of saying the same thing or if they mean different things or if you say one in one situation and the other in a different one. To prevent any confusion, English is my first language and im learning German, im doing the reverse tree while doing the regular one, in the case of the picture I was doing it as if I already spoke German.