What is the best trade you made during your startup draft?
my first year in dynasty 2 seasons ago i never even contemplated trading during the draft. last year in another startup i thought about it, but we only had 1:30 per pick so it was basically impossible. i'm doing another startup next month and we've voted on 4-5 minute picks in the 1st 7 rounds and dwindling down until we hit 1-1:30 around round 15. this will give ample time for any on the spot trades when it matters most.
i've contemplated strategies about trading back to acquire rookie picks and later selections for high upside young guys if there's no one on the board i want, or even just trading back if there's no one i like for later picks and then if there's a guy i want when it's not my turn try to flip those picks to trade back up.
the question is, what is the best trade you've made during a startup draft? was it clearly insanely fire in the moment, or did it take time to develop into something phenomenal?