Who are your "no matter what, eject" players heading into the offseason?
Right now, there are a large group of players who have major uncertainty regarding their role/production/situation heading into the off season. Obviously there are free agents who could return to their current situation or wind up somewhere completely different. There are WRs and TEs who have ambiguity around their QB situations. There are offenses with play-callers changing. There are players who have uncertainty due to potential competition being added in the draft or free agency. As the offseason unfolds, these question marks will be erased and replaced with up-arrows or down-arrows depending on how things shake out.
Before that happens, however, who are your "eject now no matter what" players? Who are the guys who you have no interest in hanging onto while the off-season unfolds because it doesn't matter if things break for the better or worse, you don't want them heading into '25? Who are the guys where it wouldn't matter if every possible questions mark is answered in a way that looks positive in the offseason, you don't trust it will shake out that way in the actual season?