New season seems so anti casual
I get it, casual players shouldn't get the same rewards as this rank 1 / elite division players. But holy crap man this season just takes it to a new level. They've just escalated the amount of games required to even come close to some of these rewards to new levels.
Lets look at the games required to check the boxes.
-Squad battles - 14 games (12 standard + TOTW + featured squad) -Rivals - say on average you win 50% of games in your division - thats 24 games to get to the 35 points. -Champs - 5x qualifiers + 15 finals games = 20 games.
That is 58 games of fifa a week, assuming each game takes ~15 minutes for simplicity (including searching, loading in, stoppages etc), thats circa 15 hours of games per week. This is not even to mention the new shitty SP grind in friendlies as well as rush and all the rest.
Now looking at an average player, they're probably getting 1 mastery player from each mode per week if they grind for 15+ hours, totalling 15 points by the time it expires.
Does this just not seem insane? Do people actually grind all this nonsense?