Behavior in 1's class
Hi lovely ECE friends! I'm seeking feedback as a parent for my 18m old. He has been attending this small private owned daycare full time 8am - 5pm since 6 months old, and has been in this 1s room since the end of July. The teacher is very seasoned - she is 60yrs old, has been at this one daycare for at least 15 years. I get no pictures of his day, no feedback on how he is doing there. My husband does drop off and gets to see the teacher, but since she leaves at 4pm, I don't see her at pickup.
I noticed at pickup today that his paper had some comments that kind of took me by surprise and I'm curious on what to really make of this.
"We really need to work with X on following directions at school and not telling his teachers no. It is a 1 year old behavior, but they need to understand limits and expectations and follow the rules. Our rules primarily revolve around safety and kindness to others. "
Now I'm not one of those parents who thinks the sun sets and rises on their kids and that they are perfect angels who do no wrong. I have a neurodivergent 5yo with my stubborn streak and behavior challenges. My youngest though... he is just a ray of bright sunshine. Happy, breezy, chill, always smiling, loves order, cleans up after himself and others, pushes in his chair from the table, sweeps up the floor and puts the Broom back, doesn't fight me to take a bath or get dressed, he's a jolly eater, super social, takes turns with toys, loves books... i mean this child is wonderful.
So to receive zero feedback about anything good or bad and then to just get this note, without citing specific examples or incidents is just odd. He's 18m and average with his language skills. He says no to everything even when he means yes. On the car ride home I said "did you have a good day?" No. Did you have a bad day? No. Is your name X? No. Am I your mama? No. Are you in the car? No. Do you have a brother? No. You get the picture...
How do I respond to this note?