DAE straight up avoid showers due to their body image?

Idk where else to ask this cuz I feel like a freak for doing what I do lmao.

I can't say I have an ED rn but I've had them before, severe enough to lose a tooth from it and hair loss I haven't recovered from. However the thoughts and other stuff it leaves you with still follows me. I have struggled for years with showers. Longest I went was a week and now I shower once every 3-4 days. If I eat more than what I've restricted myself to, I put off the shower for the next day. If I feel "full" I avoid even looking at myself in the mirror. This is gross I know but put up with me pls.

My body also very obviously gives "hormonal issues." I have thin limbs but my torso and face are broad to a point it looks comical. Before every shower, I spend close to 3 minutes just staring at my body in the mirror and picking out every thing wrong with it. It makes me feel horrible but I do it. I see my stomach as I sit down in the tub and feel disgust. All of this combined makes me dread showering at all. This is not a subject I want to bring up with my friends since I know at least 2/3 of them are dealing with active EDs but I just want to know if this is a cringey unique thing or not.

I can take the post down if it breaks any rules

Edit: Thanks for the responses yall. It was very validating knowing I'm not alone in this and I'll definitely pay attention to the advice as well.