Kaalia of the Vast
I am trying to build a [[Kaalia of the Vast]] deck, either angel tribal, demon tribal but probably a mix. My playgroup mostly plays precons or slightly upgraded precons (usually the warhammer precons) so it can't be too powerful. I tend to be focused by the tyranids player quite a bit though because I usually run enough board wipes to keep them in check, so a slightly higher power level (compared to the warhammer precons) wouldnt make things unbalanced probably. I assume Kaalia will make me get focused anyways. I have a few questions how to proceed:
How strong is the Heavenly Inferno precon nowadays?
How smoothly does the Heavenly Inferno precon play?
What angels or demons should I avoid because they are too strong? (I can probably go by budget here)
Are there general tips and tricks for a kaalia deck?
Are there any cheap staples in Mardu colors? I don't usually build with red and rarely with black.
Locked in cards are [[Kaalia of the Vast]], [[Kaalia, Zenith Seeker]] and probably also [[Bruna, the Fading Light]] and [[Gisela, the Broken Blade]]