What are some rule zero red flags that would cause you to leave a pod before starting?

In my many years of EDH I haven't often left a pod during rule zero but it's something I've been getting more comfortable with during these recent years, as EDH surges in popularity and power creep gets insane. (TBH, what's the point of a rule zero if nothing said really matters and we all end up playing anyways? I have limited time for magic these days. I'm gonna aim for fun games if I can.)

Anyway, it's something that has vastly improved the quality of the games I have and I've developed a nice little red flag system that helps me determine if I should stay in a game or look elsewhere. I'll start with the main ones but I'm very curious to hear other opinions on this.

  1. People start flinging around numbers

The 1-10 system sucks, has always sucked, and it's going away for a reason. If someone throws a number at me I'm gonna try to dig a bit deeper and ask about how fast their winning turn is, win cons, combos, tutors, fast mana etc.

  1. "I dunno, never played this deck"

So lame. It takes all of 5 or 10 min to breeze through your decklist and determine generally how strong your deck is. I totally understand you need to test it out, and that's a very valid thing to say during rule zero, but if your deck is running every optimized staple and is approaching $2000 I'm sorry but there's a low chance your deck is "medium power" regardless of wincons.

  1. "I'm playing a [insert deck archetype] deck"

This is a good start, but this really isn't enough IMO. Sure, you tell me you're playing frog tribal i probably won't bring out my izzet combo deck, but this tells me nothing about how fast you win and how easy it is for you to get there.

  1. "I don't care about rule zero/i don't do rule zero. Play whatever you want"

I've played magic for a while. Every time, (no not 95% of the time, EVERY time) i have heard someone say this, they're about to kill the table on turn 4 with [[narset parter of veils]] or some bullshit. These people don't want a rule zero discission specifically because they want to run their high powered shit and not run into any resistance during play. This is a classic pubstomper line, in my opinion, and if you can't give me more than this, I'm out. This is my least favorite thing to hear at a table just based on past experience.

What are some rule zero red flags you have run into in the past?