Recommendations for a budget Chaos deck?
I'm looking to make a couple of Commander decks, that are fun to play in casual games. My wife plays a [[Lathril, Blade of the Elves]] deck worth about 100€ (without lands) and I'm looking to build a chaotic deck that ensures no game is the same. Here's a couple of things I'm looking for in the deck:
- Something as chaotic and fun as possible. All kinds of unpredictability and haymakers are appreciated
- Budget of 100-200€ (without lands again. I'll be using whatever lands I already own)
- As many cards as possible that will also work in a Modern/Legacy deck (will be playing both game modes, swapping cards between decks)
- No mono-colored decks or Golgari, all other color combinations are fine
If you have any links to decks that could work, I'd highly appreciate it. Or just recommendations in general. I'm still new to Commander stuff, but don't want to just buy a precon and call it a day.