Public perception on this deck's toxicity?
Hi! I have a bit of a quandary. My pod usually does battlecruiser-y very heavy board states, and I've been wholeheartedly learning into it. I love big-stompy goodness, green is my favorite color, and I'm probably pretty close to a Timmy. I'm tyring to branch out my deck-building goodness, s I decided to build a mono-black deck that was SPECIFICALLY not Timmy.
I settled on [[Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder]] and thought "I can keep chump-blockers up and focus on not swinging, so my lack of stompies really won't matter!". The win strategy was group slug through sacrificing, with a touch of back-up win con through commander damage [[Fallen Ideal]] and a surprise poison counter finisher [[Flesh-Eater Imp]] because there's one player who specifically targets my engines with all of his removal and it'd be nice to be able to keep him in check and draw out his resources on not-my-engine.
I know blue has counterspells, green has ramp, white has (What does White have? lol jk), and red has burn. So I thought "My first mono-black deck, black has tutors right? I'll use those" but I specifically went for conditional tutors or sub-optimal tutors, so far as to go above my budget-power in order to pick a deliberately "worse" tutor [[Scheming Tutor]] instead of [[Illicit Shipment]] or [[Mausoleum Secrets]].
Anyways long-story short, it was a sub-$100 dollar deck until I made it less toxic. (what is now a [[Blasting Station]] used to be a [[Sadistic Hynotist]], for example)
In a public table, would you be fine playing against this? I didn't try to make it high-powered, but there were some faces/remarks in my pod when my deck starting coming online (likely because it bypasses the board-state a bit, by design).