@starving.doll (cringe username) on TikTok

If you’re in recovery I reckon you should:

A) delete your wl vids where you’re severely under eating (with cal counts) and your weekly weigh ins

B) not post vids where you’re severely under eating while in “recovery”, especially if you’re aware of this and add it in your caption.

C) not have your weight gain gw (which would still be on the lower end of healthy) and your (underweight) cw in your bio.

D) delete your account if you’re just gonna promote ana behaviours and grow up

For context she’s 18/19 and has been in semi-recovery since February with her claiming recovery since April. I understand that recovery takes time but this behaviour is unhinged. You need a therapist, not a platform where anyone can come across this.

Private your account at the very least and remove your 13 year olds followers who have kpop wl accounts or ana recovery accounts. It’s gross to show this behaviour to such a young audience.

Get a diary and a therapist and stop yapping to ppl who need help, not inspiration.