biggest whiplash is seeing ed recovery girls on other sides of the internet

i know recovery isnt linear but god nothing triggers me more than seeing a post on another side of the internet from a person well known for ed recovery content or similar. recently i had the unfortunate experience of stumbling on 2 of such accounts (one who wasnt an ed recov creator but very adjacent to that and just problematic on tiktok for years). anyway, i wasnt even on an account that interacted with ed spaces but ig finding one on my explore page led to the other because, who would have guessed, theyre fucking mutuals on that side of the internet as well.

now, i understand having vent accounts. i mean im not perfect in that realm either, but why tf are yall posting on tiktok saying to "stop commenting on my weight, im in recovery" or "just quitting alcohol thats why my body composition is different now" or "my body is readjusting my weight thats why my body is changing" etc like that WHEN YOURE CLEARLY NOT FUCKING RECOVERING.

idk why this triggers me so much honestly, and ive deactivated my social media on that app because it was just getting in my head so much lately, but yeah i guess this rant is to validate literally everything this subreddit has been saying for years now ig.