I feel like something inside has shifted. What’s next?

Two and a half years ago, I began my journey to heal. It took nearly two years, but I slowly realized that I did in fact have walls around me. I started trying to overcome these walls, but when I tried to let people in, I triggered a series of severe panic attacks. My second realization, then, was that not only did I have walls, but these things were the walls of a maximum security prison.

This year, I started EMDR. It's been many months, but I'm starting to feel like something is shifting, like the walls have become thinner.

It does not feel good.

It feels fragile. It feels bad. I feel like something inside is going to give/snap/burst and things are going to shortly come pouring out and it's going to make me completely fall apart.

Now, I know that many people say that exhaustion and feeling crappy are very much a part of the EMDR process... but uh, how bad does this get?

I guess I'd like to know other people's experiences... has anyone else had this feeling? Is this a sign of progress and to push onward, or a sign I need to take a step back?

How "worse" is the "worse before it gets better"? What am I in for here? How do you deal with it?

I think I'm just scared of what's next and want some advice about how to handle this stage of EMDR.