Massive trauma release… still reeling. I’d like to hear about other people’s experiences with releases while I process all this.

Hi, so this didn't exactly happen by EMDR alone, but I've been doing EMDR for some months now and this is part of my journey. Two days ago I used "supplements" to open my mind and to try and loosen up the emotional/mental walls constricting me. I had a MASSIVE release and I feel like I'm kinda reeling from it.

I'm going to describe some of what happened the other day, but I'd really like to hear from others, too. Have you experienced sudden, massive emotional releases? What was it like? How did you feel in the days after?

What happened: About three hours after taking the "supplements" I began crying. And then sobbing. Uncontrollably. I was standing up at that particular moment and literally crumpled to the ground. I just sobbed and sobbed for a long time. I cried so hard I got a headache, like I would when I was little and crying hard. I couldn't exactly place where the feelings were coming from, but it was sadness and grief just pouring through me. I felt like a dam had broken loose and I had to just ride it out until the flood let up.

I wasnt having a bad time on what I took. This wasn't ill effects from what I'd taken. It felt like what was coming out was something that had been buried and compacted far away within myself. And I could tell that everything pouring out wasn't even all of it. There's definitely still more left.

I don't think I've ever cried like that in my life. I just wondered, "could other people see all this sadness/grief underneath the surface? Was this visible to other people the whole time?" I became sort of confused about how people must perceive me and how well I've actually been covering up. I wondered also how all of this had even fit inside me. It was completely overpowering me, like getting tossed in ocean waves. I was just at the mercy of the flood. I wondered how it got so bad and what could have made this so bad (I think I have CPTSD, as opposed to PTSD, although there have been some specific, traumatizing events in my life). I also had a feeling like if I were to vomit, something terrible and black would just come out. I wasn't nauseous, but I guess it felt like I was purging something while I cried.

I've just been overwhelmed and shocked at what happened two days ago. I didn't expect it to be that intense, although I had taken what I'd taken for this very purpose, to release things inside. I still feel kind of physically weird and tired.

Other symptoms: I kept burping every now and then yesterday lol. I nearly felt nauseous last night. I've gone through several forums and some people report that after EMDR sessions they get belchy or nauseous as their nervous system responds to treatment and begins to let things out. Also, when I'm still and taking stock of how my body feels, I feel like there's this very small, but consistent tremor through my body. Like my whole nervous system, all the nerves in my body are sort of vibrating a little.

Anyway. It was a really intense experience and I think it would really comfort me to just hear from other people who "get it." It feels too hard to describe to most other people.

Edit: I added another symptom I forgot to mention.