PSA: Don't do Things the Easy Way

I lost my 120 hour character all for a achievement and can not get him back. To put this into perspective ever since launch I have played this game basically non-stop. Beating almost every boss including Malenia and others. My character was almost complete with his build.

Now I like this game so I disided to do the Platinum Achievement. I wanted to cut down the time to do this so in my NG+ run after beating everyone except for Elden Beast, (I kept him alive so I could get two endings I needed to get the trophy) my Dyslexic ass pressed the download button and wiped my save data. I am a 15 turning 16 year old boy who has school to focus on and so I am not putting my time into this game any longer. What a journey it has been. Hoping it gets game of the year though I will not be coming back until I am ready to start again.

This is a warning to all of you. DO. NOT. BE. STUPID. Read and understand what the difference is between upload and download is. Thanks all and have a great day.

If anyone was a way to solve my plight please let me know.