hit by a car
hi guys, was hit by a car today. i was on the sidewalk, as i live off a really busy road and have to ride two blocks to get to a crosswalk to get into the bike lane, and a man pulled out of his driveway (facing me, not even backing up) and drove straight into me after stopping fully like he would let me go. scooter is beyond repair as it got sucked under his tire, and i was thrown off and took a bit of a tumble into the road. the man tried telling me not to call the police and screamed at me after i called them, and then when the officers got there, he tried convincing him it was my fault. my city has some type of legislation about not riding scooters on sidewalks, but there’s an exception in cases like this where it’s for safety. i ended up in the hospital (so have hospital records from the accident) and am very luckily okay besides a couple of giant bruises forming, and am getting the police report tomorrow. is there anything else i need to do before submitting my claim to his insurance? should i reach out of the university building i was in front of and see if i can get the footage in case his insurance tries fighting it? or is it pretty cut and dry? anyways…. WEAR A HELMET! this can happen to literally anyone, and not wearing one puts yourself at risk. i hit the ground hard, and if i wasn’t wearing one it could have gone a lot worse.