The Thargoid War is a buggy mess - where is QA?

Dear Community,

first up, I love E:D in general, but the REPEATED failing to identify very basic bugs just drives me nuts time and time again.This is not a lack of development time like so many launches in the past (Odyssey as well as other games by other companies)These are bugs that are literally identifiable within 10 Minutes of QA Testing. FYI, all these bugs occured to me today (and other days before)

Let's start with basic stuff like the AX CZs

  1. Instancing bugs (even in solo... wtf?!)Often times, wings or players in the same instance cant see
    1. each other - just seing wing beacon, but not the player, even though we shoot the same enemies.
    2. Scouts - They are invisible for some, but still take damage
    3. Interceptors - Sometimes just invisble and/or invincible, sometimes they fly around still with their wake around them, pushing me away when i get too close. Sometimes some players can see them, sometimes noone can
  2. Quests not triggering -The AX CZ has a progress bar, but sometimes you never get the notification. Happens quite frequently.
  3. No Interceptors spawning / Scouts stop spawning aswell - Most AXCZs end in a reset instead of a completion because they bug out. Either some invincible interceptors, or they just flatout stop spawning.
  4. New Enhanced AX Multicannon (turreted) - I PROMISE that FDev did EXACTLY 0 testing on this thing. It has a 4000m/s projectile instead of the 1600m/2 projectile.To my surprise, it hits no bullets on moving targets. When I am moving, but the target is stationary it still hits not a single bullet. So my conclusion:The trajectory still calculates the regular speed. This is 5 minutes of QA Testing.
  5. Decontamination Limpet failed. - Decontamination Limpet failed. - Decontamination Limpet failed. - Decontamination Limpet failed. - Decontamination Limpet failed. - Decontamination Limpet failed.... yeah... wtf is that? Again, 0 QA Testing.If you are in an AX CZ you constantly get this message. These are apparently NPCs trying to use Decontamination Limpets to remove caustic. This is nice, but WHY?!? WHY TO I GET A NOTIFICTATION FOR LIMPETS ON OTHER SHIPS!?!?!?!?
  6. Capital Ships being bound to the ROTATIONAL AXIS OF THE STATION!?!?! (Imperial majestic Class interdictor & Federation Farragut Battlecruiser) - Kinda funny tbh, but still ridiculous and easy to identify. - 0 QA Testing. I saw this within 5 Seconds the first time I saw a capital ship entering an AX CZ.
  7. Team Quests can't be handed in by team members after completion - After you receive a finished team quest your mission board bugs out and never loads. You can't add new quests or hand completed ones in. GG - 0 QA
  8. (unrelated to Thargoid war)
    After an NPC died, the fighter was still around and kept shooting my m8, he couldn't even see the ship and not kill it but kept receiving damage.
    This is the only bug I found today that is hard to find.

I swear I could go on with more time. Might edit and add more.

My conclusion.The bugs are blatantly obvious and basic. They are easy to identify and in some cases just as easy to fix.

Either, Frontiers QA department has no idea about their job, or they just don't do QA in many cases.

It's the same story every patch. IDK how this can happen. Most of these bugs are 5 minutes of gameplay.

Please FDev, from the bottom of my heart - PLEASE FIX YOUR QA!

Generally speaking E:D is an amazing game, but the bugs - especially the most basic ones - just ruin it. The player base is tired. So many people play way less than they would like to, and so many people quit for weeks / months because they either wait for a fix or ragequit because of these bugs.

And that is just the bugs, I didn't even include the absolutely STUPID decisions FDev makes, regarding gameplay mechanics. ( for example resetting progress from 99%->0% doing the same as resetting from 1% to 0%)

Edit: typos

Edit 2: found 2 more bugs (one of them actually hard to test ;) )