My pin collection...

Hey Reddit! I've been meaning to do this for a while but some issues here and there prevented me from doing this. I wanted to show my collection. I'm from Argentina and this is not like a super popular hobby, so my best bet to share my hobby is through here.

I'm missing many pieces. Recently I had to take down three boards because they were giving up and breaking down and I haven't put it back on: is the Sailor Moon board. I have some pins from my trip to the Kennedy Space Center. I also have like 50 pieces stuck in my Customs House for like a year :'(... But what you see here is the majority of the entire collection. The last count was 855 pieces up and visible but I know I added a few more since then.

Let me know if you want to know about any of them. Except for a few pieces here and there, I have all the creators.

Ohh and while I'm at it: I'm looking for the last Mother Nature pin from Almost Amusing + Dave Correia. So if you're interested in selling, let me know :D!!

The collection pretty much started on a scarf. Until I had too many to put on the scarf.

This is the main board. It's a cloth frame for painting but I added some cork when the cloth started giving up because of the pins' weight.

This one is placed to the right side of the main. It's random stuff, funny stuff, memes, an Fword section, a UFO section and a medical related section. Some friends started gifting me ugly company pins and I love it. XD

This is the left side board. It's all movie and tv series related. Some pieces are on separate boards, like little collections you'll see later.

This is my \"ALMOST AMUSING\" only board. These are only pins from that creator. I have some other ones on the main board because I couldn't fit everything. You can see I'm missing the last Mother Nature from the collection (Rainbow Frite) so if you want to sell or know where it is, let me know :D!

This is my gaming-only board. I do want to add more of it but it's being hard for me to find good ones. I'm a pretty huge fan of Clay Graham, so I have many from there.

Interesting fact!! Those huge nuka cola bottles were actually a Kickstarter. I bought the highest tier so my name is actually on the back!! Well, my nickname: Pandemonium. It's not an ego thing, btw. I really loved the creator and I thought only MINE was going to have my name on it.... it was kinda weird to see it was going to be made like that 😅😅😅

Sheeee started it aaaallllll..... Well. Actually my dad when he gifted me some pins when I was little. But I remember finding this creator: Demonic Pinfestation. It was love at first sight and she made me want to grow my collection. This is all he board only but I have more pieces over the main and the movie boards.

CATS!!! I love cats. So these are all cats...

Random animals. Sorry my frog has the pants misplaced. I probably hit it when I placed a bag on the door. It also comes with another set of pants.

This is an ITA bag I use for the horror pins. These are mostly from Little Shop of Pins.

small collection of Alice's Cheshire cat. I have some more alice pins over the movie board. No, I don't know why the joker pin is crooked. I keep fixing it T-T

Another Almost Amusing.

These are small frames I have hanging around and I change the pins often with things from the collection.

Some Figpins. I also have the XL power armor from Fallout (I put it away to clean up), and I recently bought all the SPECIAL figpins as well.

Another ITA bag with Bioshock pins.


That's it at the moment. I will edit back when that Sailor Moon board is back up. I have some awesome pieces on that one.

I hope you liked it. Let me know if you need info on any of them :D!