At a complete loss

I had my lap a few days ago after battling chronic pain for fifteen years. It’s become so much worse over the past year that I had to step back from work and have stopped all physical activity (I used to do 2+ hours of yoga a day and run at least a few miles every other day). I found a new doctor who immediately offered the lap, and I was so thrilled to finally have answers.

She found nothing. Not a single thing, except two small polyps which are “not at all concerning” for the time being. No endo, no adhesions, no cysts, nothing. I couldn’t stop crying when I woke up from the anesthesia, and even though my doctor is insisting this is good news, it was my absolute worst case scenario and now I feel like I’ve gone crazy. She’s saying my pain could be from my childhood trauma and I should consider pelvic floor PT, but I tried that a few years ago with zero improvement. I’m just at a total loss.

Has anyone found answers after a lap with no findings? Any info is helpful. Thank you so much.