Pain between shoulder blades around period and ovulation time.
Hi there, I’m a 39 year old woman with a history of four miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy. I am not officially diagnosed with endometriosis as I haven’t had a laparoscopy but one doctor suggested I could have endo. I believe that I do have endometriosis based upon my symptoms.
I don’t have any living children. I have always had painful periods. For the last few years (after my miscarriages) I have been experiencing pain up high in between my shoulder blades. Sometimes I get dizziness alongside it. One time the pain and dizziness was so bad I passed out and was taken to accident and emergency. My breasts were also extremely tender at this time.
The pain is only there around my period time and around ovulation time. I saw a gynaecology registrar about it and she was rather dismissive. She said that the pain in my upper back would not be caused by endometriosis but I think she is wrong. Does anyone else have any experience with this? Thank you.