Her Face Went Red In Anger
I thought I'll share another story from my time as a worker at a very popular theme park in Florida. I've mentioned in other stories I've shared that I worked at an attraction. One day I was fast pass line greeter and it was in the middle of peak season. We were ridiculously crowded with wait times for stand-by being 2 hours, single rider around fifty minutes and fast pass over an hour. We were instructed to allow people in on the time stamped on their fast pass to help thin the line. Sometimes, when it wasn't as busy we would allow people to enter 5 minutes earlier than their ride reservation.
A woman wearing white shorts, a fanny pack and a white sun visor came walking up happily with her group and showed me her fast pass. I stopped her because it was 10 minutes early. I politely explained she would have to wait to enter on the time stamped on the fast pass ticket.
Woman: Oh come on! Really?! It's just a few minutes early!
Me: I apologize ma'am, unfortunately we are very busy so you'll have to wait for the time on your fast pass.
Woman: That's ridiculous, everyone else let us in a few minutes early.
Woman tries to walk past me but it's not happening. I block her by stepping in her way. I smile and ask her to step to the side.
Woman: Ugh 😤
I continue to let people in according to the times on their passes as the woman glares angry daggers at me. A man next to her tells her to just wait it's not that serious but she's fuming. Literally 3 minutes go by and she storms back up and shoves the pass in my face.
Woman: Good enough now, can I go in now?!
Me trying to remain magical: Ma'am you still have 7 minutes until you can enter. Please step to the side.
Woman: You're joking, 7 minutes! You're not seriously going to make me wait for 7 minutes?!
Me: Yes, please step to the side.
Another 2 minutes go by as a line of people come in. I check everyone's time not looking at faces so much but hands and tickets when I see the same ticket. I Look up and it's the same woman again! She still had 5 minutes to wait. Now I'm irritated and she's irritated. I just stare at her for a few seconds quietly before doing a two finger point back to the side where her group and others were waiting patiently. She stormed back off as my co-worker K walked up with my break slip. The woman instantly got a grin on her face when she saw I was about to leave. Her grin pissed me off and my petty box was immediately switched to "on".
I gave K a brief version of events and instructed him to make sure she waited until the EXACT time printed on the freaking fast pass ticket. He laughed a bit and said "okay". I walk away but only a few feet when she sauntered over arrogantly grinning to K and shows him the ticket.
K: Sorry but you'll have to wait until the time printed on the fast pass ma'am.
Woman with her face turning incredibly red in anger: DID SHE TELL YOU TO DO THAT?!
K: I have to work with her...
Me standing pettily a few feet away: 😐