Is Keppra the band-aid of epilepsy?
I’m 37 and this year I’ve had 4 seizures, out of nowhere. No previous issues or incidents. Was then prescribed 1000mg of Levetiracetam (Keppra?) once a day, after testing (MRI, CT, EKG). Everything came back looking normal, which was a relief, but also a nightmare because they can’t pinpoint what’s causing my episodes. Admittedly, my ability to keep up with the schedule of my meds wasn’t great, and I now know that missing your meds can be worse than not taking them at all. I’ve never had a daily medication that I needed to take, so it was tough to get myself on a consistent schedule for taking my meds. I’m now prescribed to Keppra 500mg XR, two times a day. I’ve finally begun to take it more seriously and make it a point to take my meds when I’m supposed to. Side effects have been kinda crazy, and was wondering if Keppra is kind of the starter/generic prescription? I know there are a ton of anti-seizure meds out there, but is this the one that is most commonly first prescribed? Is there more follow up that could be done to get me on a more effective, or better medication? I see a lot of posts about peoples’ experiences with different meds, so was just curious if this was more of a ‘here, try this’ than a ‘this will fix it’ situation. Thanks in advance for any helpful responses!
ETA: Huge thank you to everyone who took the time to respond! This community is really incredible, and been such a huge asset to me through this experience.