It just hit me.Hard.

Hi all,

I’m pretty new here, diagnosed in august. I have been reading, and reacting to several posts. Trying to educate myself and pretending I feel fine. But I don’t.

I am noticing weird things with my memory and I have an eye twitch that is driving me insane. I have started work again this week after 3 months off. They are very understanding. But I feel like a weirdo now. I am very high energy at work and talking like a maniac all day. Maybe it’s the meds.

I am scared for my future and I am scared that I will become some dementia ridden useless blob. I have no idea what I’m doing and i feel like I don’t know enough, if anything, about my condition.

It just hit me like a ton of bricks that I actually have friggin epilepsy. You can not make this sh*t up. I am very very angry about it. I am livid. This is bloody ridiculous.