Is the Episcopal Church ready to be the Church?
Are we going to be places of sanctuary for refugees and undocumented immigrants? Or are we going to be complicit with fascism?
Are we willing to do what the confessing churches did when Christians welcomed and hid Jews in their homes?
This is a moment that will define our Church. We are always apologizing for the things in the past like our acceptance of slavery, racism and the cultural(and physical) genocide of the First Peoples. And rightly so. But will we do the right thing now? Or will we have to apologize again 50 years ago for not standing up for persecuted people like undocumented immigrants, Trans people, etc?
I believe this is what Jesus is talking about in the Sermon on the Mount when he speaks to being persecuted "for my sake". I don't believe that has to do with living like a puritan, but resisting empire in all it's forms. Loving our enemies. Not giving our loyalty to the government. Saying "Jesus is Lord, not Trump".
This is when the rubber meets the road. This is when we find out if we are going to be faithful to the gospel or if we are just a social club.
And I ask this of myself the most. I am not trying to judge anyone. I know that I have to look inside myself and see if I am willing to count the cost. I don't know that I am, but I pray to God for courage and love.