Just picked up my copy of Eldest (+ some thoughts on the fandom)


(Edit: I originally uploaded this post with the "currently reading tag but it wouldn't appear at all on the subreddit).

Once again, I am the first time reader who made a post here only a couple of days ago sharing my thoughts on the first book in this series, and another one only yesterday about the movie (which after the overwhelming amount of people who told me so, I now realize does not exist and was just a hallucination).

Both posts seriously blew up, receiving way more attention than I had ever expected them to receive so I want to thank you so much for that. The thing that really blew me away however, and what I really wanted to spend some time here talking about, was just how amazing this community turned out to be. Having been either a part of or an active observer of many different fandoms in my 20 years of life, I have seen every form that the toxic and unwelcoming stan culture attitude that persists in most fandoms nowadays can take, and I was both expecting and fully prepared to be on the receiving end of a lot of such toxicity when I posted here, given my expression of mixed feelings towards the first book. Not only was that not the case at all with any of the hundreds of different people who responded to me, but I was just so pleasantly surprised by how welcoming, open to constructive criticism and just genuinely nice people on here were. To see a fandom nowadays that is so mature in how they discuss something that they like and willing to admit to its flaws instead of acting like it is flawless or above criticism was such a breath of fresh air.

That, coupled with how similarly nice and constructive people were in recommending that I give the series one more chance, was the reason why I decided to do so by reading Eldest.

So earlier today, I went to my local PUBLIC store (it's a large chain of retail stores in my home country of Greece, we don't have Barnes and Noble here 😅) and I picked up a copy of Eldest. I will start reading it in a couple of days once I get done with some college preparations and it will probably take me a week or two to finish it as I like to take my time reading books.

Regardless of what my thoughts on it end up being or if I decide to continue with the rest of the series or not, I just want to say that I will always hold this fandom in high regard for the impression that they gave me. Thank you guys so much for being one of the best fandoms that I've come across on the internet and I hope that by the end of this book I can also call myself a fan. I hope you all have a great rest of your days and you will be hearing my thoughts on this book in the near future.


(Edit: I originally uploaded this post with the "currently reading tag but it wouldn't appear at all on the subreddit).

Once again, I am the first time reader who made a post here only a couple of days ago sharing my thoughts on the first book in this series, and another one only yesterday about the movie (which after the overwhelming amount of people who told me so, I now realize does not exist and was just a hallucination).

Both posts seriously blew up, receiving way more attention than I had ever expected them to receive so I want to thank you so much for that. The thing that really blew me away however, and what I really wanted to spend some time here talking about, was just how amazing this community turned out to be. Having been either a part of or an active observer of many different fandoms in my 20 years of life, I have seen every form that the toxic and unwelcoming stan culture attitude that persists in most fandoms nowadays can take, and I was both expecting and fully prepared to be on the receiving end of a lot of such toxicity when I posted here, given my expression of mixed feelings towards the first book. Not only was that not the case at all with any of the hundreds of different people who responded to me, but I was just so pleasantly surprised by how welcoming, open to constructive criticism and just genuinely nice people on here were. To see a fandom nowadays that is so mature in how they discuss something that they like and willing to admit to its flaws instead of acting like it is flawless or above criticism was such a breath of fresh air.

That, coupled with how similarly nice and constructive people were in recommending that I give the series one more chance, was the reason why I decided to do so by reading Eldest.

So earlier today, I went to my local PUBLIC store (it's a large chain of retail stores in my home country of Greece, we don't have Barnes and Noble here 😅) and I picked up a copy of Eldest. I will start reading it in a couple of days once I get done with some college preparations and it will probably take me a week or two to finish it as I like to take my time reading books.

Regardless of what my thoughts on it end up being or if I decide to continue with the rest of the series or not, I just want to say that I will always hold this fandom in high regard for the impression that they gave me. Thank you guys so much for being one of the best fandoms that I've come across on the internet and I hope that by the end of this book I can also call myself a fan. I hope you all have a great rest of your days and you will be hearing my thoughts on this book in the near future.