I've got my money's worth

I paid 150€ for EoD in April 2020 and have since collected over 5000 hours in this game.

That's 4 years of all nighters with friends, me-time after work, excitement, pracrastination, joy and frustration.

I have yet to find something that compares in value for money.

For some, 150€ is hard earned money, to others it's the difference between a night out or staying in.

Running an operation like this on earnings made years ago is not easy.
I'm not mad at Nikita or BSG for trying to squeeze more out of us, but can understand the dissatifaction brought up by recent events.

Honestly, I'd pay another 150€ if it guaranteed another 4 years of the game I've come to love and hate.

Could things be better? YES.
Server infrastructure, cheaters, bugs, loading times and many more issues.

Still, even in the advent of ABI, I haven't seen anyone delivering anything equal to Tarkov.