You guys are naive if you think cheater situation will get better. Sadly. [Cheating]
Downvote me all you want but remember, the man itself literally said "i wanna see how big their pockets are" (talking about cheaters) and let's do the math.
From official EFT Facebook page.
We're talking about 30k cheaters in 60 ish days.
Let's say is not always that high, about 10k average a month. That's 120k copies of the game a year. ASSUMING every cheater buys standard edition (we know they don't but we're lowballing this) we are talking about 6 million dollars a year tax free.
Do you guys really think they want to combat cheaters as hard as they can? Lmao.
Do you guys think that they don't have the faculties to insta ban flying cheaters? Cheaters with 50-100KD?
The single fact that they offer discounts by buying several copies of the game is just absurd.