I’m just going to say it...
...I need help. I’ve played for just about 25 hours. I’ve read plenty of new player guides and tips, many from this sub. I’ve watched a fair amount of streams. And while I know 25 hours isn’t a significant amount of playtime in the grand scheme of things, I just can’t seem for the life of me to be able to crack this shell.
Being a newer player I’ve mostly tried to stick to customs because most of the starter tasks are based there and interchange, and to stealth and not engage other PMCs. I don’t have much issue killing scavs, but it feels like 9/10 runs I get downed by shots that come out of nowhere — don’t seem to ever see the enemy scav/PMC in my FOV despite the fact that I try to play it slow, stay to the edges and out of sight, peek corners, etc...
I don’t know if it’s just a steady stream of bad luck or that I’m just not approaching the game properly. Is there someone more experienced that would be willing to run with me once or twice so I can be an active learner to overcome this slump?