Do you ever look back and laugh?

One time my dad found out he was going to get promoted at his job and was not happy he actually arrogant about it and said “I’m going to be an actual god down there now!! A God!!” He wasn’t joking he was dead serious. I remember I was kinda frightened when he said that, I was kid then, if that happened today I’d probably laugh and roll my eyes. He was power tripping big time, being a firefighter can do that.

One time we went on vacation in a RV and he brought no food and when me and my brothers said we were hungry he got pissed and went to the store and bought two things…a big case of beer and a big box of Ritz Crackers and said "Theres your dinner" and when we said "Really?" he said "your lucky your getting that."

Just funny how incredibly ignorant and arrogant a person can be. I have a lot of sad memories but some of them i have to laugh about.