My ex came back after one month of no contact

My ex broke up with me after a 9 month relationship and she came back after she decided to do no contact. We talked for a week, FaceTimed everyday, she talked about getting married and having kids together and that I was it for her but she was in a very bad mental state. She has been struggling with depression and anxiety for a few months now. So she said she can’t give me a relationship rn but she was treating me as if we were in one. She told me she and her ex were in contact and were friends and hanged out a few times in that month we didn’t talk. She has told me she has no feelings for her ex and I knew this already since she broke up the relationship with him cause she didn’t love him. But I can’t help to feel some type of way about it. I don’t know if I should say something since we aren’t in a relationship and I’m scared she might want to leave again if I tell her this. I need help.