I just want to see who knows about informative resources covering the history of the Pentecostal movement. I've done some research on this already, but I would like to read more into this. I've listened to some podcasts and watched videos on this topic, but I would like to find some more resources. I'm simply curious, and I would love to have this information to rebut any claims saying this movement goes WAY back.
From my knowledge, this movement is fairly recent, especially in comparison to the other protestant branches. Honestly it boggles my mind how active members don't consider things like this and make the arguement that their beliefs date back to the day of Pentecost. Many, if not all, avoid reflection on the fallacies within their foundation, let alone in their evolved doctrines. Situations like this are absolutely maddening when you feel like the sane one actually trying to be educated, while the surrounding people label you as a problem for doing so.