Donating Breastmilk
I am going on vacation for almost two weeks, twice this year and will most definitely have extra milk per day to use. Currently freezing between 24-30oz per day or every other day in addition to my LO’s 30oz/per day feedings. One trip will be to Hawaii (within the US) and one will be to Ireland. I am a non smoker, healthy, no allergies, up to date on vaccines, and barely a social drinker. I don’t plan on freezing the milk to bring back but would hate to pump and dump. I’m not sure if there is a group or I should just rely on Reddit/FB to give someone my milk to use/freeze without being part of any donor programs. I am looking to become a donor to help reassure someone who is immediately in need but the idea is to sort of just give the milk to someone that needs it. Hope that isn’t weird but open to suggestions on how best to do this or if it is not recommended. Thanks in advance!