Moms, how are we surviving in these pumping bras???

EP for 14 weeks and exclusively wearing a bra 24/7 for 14 weeks lol. Before LO arrived I was a comfy bra during day/no bra at night person and I am struggling with wearing a bra all day and night now. I worry sometimes that the constant prison that my boobs are in will cause problems (mastitis, etc) because they never get a break!! I tried putting my loose comfy bra on between pumps and my pumping bra on only when pumping, that lasted for maybe a day because most of my day was spent changing bras lol. Just want to know if anyone else is going crazy or just me lol. I also hate that my boobs are squished together all the time because it causes irritation for my cleavage skin that’s constantly touching and never getting any air lol (I’m large busted unfortunately)