A rant about people living in the US as missionaries
So, when I was Christian, I supported a few acquaintances at the time while they went on missions (2-3 years internationally). I stopped sending them money over a decade ago, but I can't get off their mailing list. And that's okay because I like to peruse their newsletters for gossip😆
Anyway, these 2 couples returned to the US and decided that this was their important mission field. One moved to Seattle and the other to the east cost.
They now live in houses nicer than mine. Have 3 to 5 kids. The wives stay at home. The husbands are "in ministry" part time (one decorates windows for a local church and the other makes weekly bulletins for churches).
Every time they have a new kid or need a house renovation, etc, they go on a "campaign" to raise more money for "God's work"
Howww do people fall for this?? Why doesn't the church pay you for your work? Who is benefiting from this "mission" besides the church getting free labor? How can I get in on this??
Even when I was always Christian, I never would've thought this was normal. But apparently these 2 couples are successful at it! What the hell