Lawyer mistake

My lawyer may have accidentally screwed me in my custody agreement. I had 50-50 with my children’s father and had to move an hour away to get help financially from family. He fought me the past seven months trying to get primary and I financially could not continue fighting him so I came up with a schedule that only cut me down to one night less a week during the school year. We would split Christmas break in half, I get the entire two weeks of spring break, and we do Friday-friday during the summer. This puts me at the right amount of days to NOT pay child support to my ex husband and put us at a 60/40 schedule. He was very financially absusive when we were together and this whole custody battle was for him to get out of paying child support. I don’t know if my lawyer did not calculate my days correctly or if the wording she put in our custody agreement screwed me out of the two weeks for spring break that I desperately needed to keep me at 150 days per year. The agreement says “Nancy shall have the children the entire spring break each year”. But above it, it says “ the parent shall go by the current school district calendar for holiday schedule”. When you look at the school schedule, they only list the school days for every holiday break. I told my lawyer I needed the kids from the day they got out of school until the day they got back to give me the whole 11 days so I think my ex is lawyer is only adding up the school days and not the entire 11 day spring break and claiming that I have less than 146 days which makes me have to pay my ex child support. That will completely financially ruin me. He makes $170,000 a year and I make maybe 30,000 a year… I can barely survive as it is. I’m getting a lot of help from family. My lawyer is doublechecking the calendar again, but this was signed by a judge yesterday so I have no idea if this can even be fixed. I am so incredibly depressed and mentally drained from this. I paid $7000 for my lawyer to basically screw me over by not looking at the fine print which is what she is paid for..