just need to cry

I fried my hair off in January. It's taking forever to grow out, it's not even to my earlobes. I've been taking supplements and vitamins since January to help. It finally got to the point last month where I was happy with the length and could cut bangs without it looking like a bowl cut and it was feeling nice and thick when i ran my fingers through it.

Went to the same girl for a trim that I always go to. She knows my story and knows I'm trying to grow it out. We always discuss what I want and its fine. So I tell her its looking a little shaggy in the back and i just want the length and to shape it it up in the back.

I don't know what went wrong :( i couldnt see what she was doing in the back. She trimmed the ends all over...a little shorter than I wanted but i assumed I needed it. But she went ham with the texturing scissors and took out all my thickness and it subsequently will give my very stringy layers as it grows out. I have a lot of hair but my hair strands themselves are so thin.

My husband fussed and asked why I didn't stop her. Thing is I feel like once a stylist starts and I cant see what they're doing it's already too late, they have to finish or its going to look bad anyway. Maybe I didn't communicate properly. She said she didnt touch the longest ends and she kept my length but the thing is she didnt because she cut up everything on top Im trying to grow long and she used the texture scissors so much I look like i have thinning hair. She also gave me the most old lady puffed out style ever that when i got my car i had to brush it out and flatten it down.

It's not the worst haircut but it does really suck. I know it'll grow back, Im just upset I've spent so much work trying to get it to where it was only for some miscommunication I didnt know there was to undo it all.