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MY STATS: - 175cms - 75kgs

MERTRA HOODIE This hoodie… is amazing, cropped fit, 100% cotton. Got size L alittle baggy but what I was going for. FAVOURITE ITEM FS. 63 AUD https://eastmallbuy.com/taobaoID=862719631755&inviter=K1NG0FBREAD

https://m.intl.taobao.com/detail/detail.html?id=862719631755 TNF PUFFER Puffer was from sharkbreeder. In terms of quality it was good. Material was on point. It was vacuum packed and needed a few days to puff up. In which it did. Size L fit great. 41 AUD https://eastmallbuy.com/index/weidian/itemID=6309947366&inviter=K1NG0FBREAD

https://weidian.com/item.html?itemID=6309947366 2002r NB From Anonymous, got H version. Super comfy and amazing on feet. Size 44.5 and set me back 46 AUD. https://eastmallbuy.com/index/weidian/itemID=7315014526&inviter=K1NG0FBREAD

https://weidian.com/item.html?itemID=7315014526 NIKE SHOX Copped black & white, from YOLO. Best batch I could find. Stitching is nice I may have gotten a size too big though. 41 AUD. https://eastmallbuy.com/index/weidian/itemID=7347854138&inviter=K1NG0FBREAD

https://shop1850717273.v.weidian.com/item.html?itemID=7347854138 YEEZY TEES Always a good cop, great and thick material which I love. Not much more to say I always buy these every haul. 25 AUD https://eastmallbuy.com/index/weidian/itemID=7239901056&inviter=K1NG0FBREAD

https://weidian.com/item.html?itemID=7239901056 POLO SOCKS These are amazing, for a dollar each I always pick them up. Must cop https://eastmallbuy.com/1688ID=839949337145&inviter=K1NG0FBREAD

https://m.1688.com/offer/839949337145.html?ptow=113d26e7c9a Ninjago Mini-Figures Eh, alright. Some pieces were hard to fit together, some weren’t. Don’t know if I could recommend https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=785309081164

Any questions your more than welcome to ask