Daan and Olivia resist the longest?
I Was watching a aDarkRacoon Maso mode Vod and noticed that Pocketcat has yet to make the deal with Daan on his first confrontation, still wearing the old trousers and white boots implying Daan to be running around currently. So i skipped forward to make sure the Pocketcat Wheelchair cutscene gets triggered when arriving at the museum, and sure enough it does.
Daan and Olivia must have been the only ones left still hanging on and exploring together until something happend that finally broke him completely, perhaps he couldn't handle seeing Elise and Eihner in conjunction too the already exhausting maso mode?
Of course Olivia couldn't hold on much longer after that, being pushed around by Daan, the one which she depended on these past three days now being barely discernable from all the other monstrosities they faced together, only traces of him do seemingly linger on. She is enlightened of this by his ability too use all her insecurity and aspiration against her, she ponders if mistake occurred when she chose to open her soul too the Doctor who gave it mending.
"I should have never left her Shadow" is all she could whimper as tears fell on Iron sprout from Flesh, soon to turn Rust.
Or Miro didn't feel like making an alternate cutscene in case for Daan already being hit with the Scorch idk lol