is anyone else just… so tired?
i hit my 1-year mark with my agency in january. i’m 24 and this is my first time as a federal employee. i had no idea my career would (sort of) start off with something so insane.
every day i get the “sunday scaries”. i work in HR; every day i come to the office, i’m anxious about what is awaiting in my email box. whether it be about the freeze, or probationary periods, or anything else that has to do with the shitshow around us.
i work in staffing and recruitment, so right now i’m having to tell my 20 selectees/new hires i’m onboarding that their hiring actions are on hold right now. i’m sending emails to every one of the applicants on this certificate that the process is on hold.
this feels truly awful. people hate HR as it is, and it kills me to have to tell people this news. every day is so draining and mentally taxing. my anxiety is on 100 when i come in to the office now.
edit: i’m not going anywhere unless i’m forced to. i’m sticking to the oath of office i took, even though the guys up top aren’t.