over-sprayers ...

Honestly, a lot of people are getting too defensive over being called out for over spraying. No one is asking you to just wear dove deodorant and fragrance free body lotion, but if you're walking outside and people can still smell you from 50 ft away ... you need to consider toning it down. As soon as you're in a public space (classroom, lecture hall, work, etc) you have to be CONSIDERATE of everyone. If you don't want to smell that one person that hardly showers, what makes you think people want to smell the 3000x pumps of perfume you put on every morning?? objectively speaking, people are allergic to strong fragrances and others may get migraines. learn to have some humility and show grace to others by toning it down. I understand if no one is complaining to you directly (this does not apply to you) but if people are literally saying to your face to use less perfume ... stop being a hardass and use less.