Struggling with online misogyny

I am a 22f who has spent time in incel forums since the age of about 12 years old. The damage that has been done to my psyche as a result is something I can not properly explain. The things I have seen cannot be unseen and it affects me to this day. I have seen men calling for all women to be rounded up and put in camps, for the government to assign young, sometimes underage women to men, claims that baby girls should be murdered and raped, and so much more horrific stuff that has stuck with me for years. I feel like the red pill movement is spreading and I can no longer go on any social media platform without being bombarded with horrific misogyny. I am a virgin and plan on remaining a virgin for the rest of my life, but I have an extremely unhealthy view of men and it makes me depressed and anxious. I am distrustful of men and am constantly wondering if they are simply putting up a front and hold the same views as the Incels I have seen online. I feel like men don’t see women as people, but instead objects to be obtained and used for their pleasure.

Today I saw a post of a woman talking about her fear of men after seeing an online chat room full of men talking about how to abuse women. So many men in the comments were upset that she was generalizing all men and were saying very scary things like they don’t believe women deserve rights due to their generalizations of men and that men abuse women because women won’t have consensual sex with them. I am just constantly horrified by the things I see. I used to only see these types of things in incel forums, but now they have spilled over into the mainstream and it’s destroying my mental health. I see redpill rhetoric everywhere, literally everywhere, under any post involving a woman, on self help accounts, gym accounts, podcasts, I can’t escape it. I feel like shit all the time. I hate being a woman and I feel inferior to men. I hate being weak and small and less than. I don’t feel like a human. I am reaching my breaking point. Has anyone dealt with this or am I being too sensitive? I feel like I’ve also internalized a lot of this stuff and hate myself for being a woman. I’m sorry if this is not the correct place to post this but I’m really struggling and I just feel so sad and defeated all the time.