I went and i looked at the top twenty subreddit bios with "nsfw" in the title and half of them had "girls" in the description and none of them mentioned men. and they were all talking about how the girls were "sluts" and "whores" and "bitches" and "milfs". and there is a subreddit called "women are things" and "misogyny porn" and THERE ARE ONE AND A HALF MILLION PEOPLE ON A PORN SUB CALLED "TEEN BEAUTY".

And we have to grow up knowing that this is what we are to a significant portion of the population. There are many, many adult men who would sexually assault me if they could and i have to go around knowing that. This is not fair. It isn't. And don't say "not all men" because it's most of them. it just is.

And i know we're supposed to advocate for equality and stuff but god i wish they could feel a fraction of this horror.

It's late. Whatever. Vent post and i marked it NSFW because it's upsetting.