My mom expects me to serve my younger brother.

I have been chronically ill for about a year now so I had to move back home and my mom has genuinely gone above and beyond to take care of me. Our relationship is really good as long as my brothers are not involved. Once they come into the picture, the dynamics change and they are put first. Their needs come first and it's my job as a girl to cater to them.

That has never been the case with my younger brother because he is nine years younger than me. The misogynistic expectations they have on me haven't applied to him much because I am older.

Now that my younger brother is in his mid teens, I guess in my mom's mind, it is time to overhaul that and start treating him 'like a man' and a large part of that includes my unpaid servitude.

I was in the kitchen trying to get some food and she told me to warm the milk and serve my brother. Now while I don't mind warming the milk, I refused to serve him because I know the implications of that. I told her that he can do it himself plus I am older than him (a cope) so he shouldn't expect me to serve him. She got mad, like really pissed and told me that if I never want to serve my brother then I should get out of the way, she will do it herself. My younger brother, bless him, then came to the kitchen and insisted on serving his own food. She gave me silent treatment for the rest of the night.

For more context, I've made it clear to my mom that I will never get married nor have children. She seems to accept that because while our culture is incredibly patriarchal, women don't get forced to get married, stay in marriages or have kids. So my mom and I had made plans that when I do get better and move out, my younger brother can move in with me during his mandatory gap year after high school because she doesn't want me to live alone. I guess she expects that on top of hosting him, I will be his maidservant. Those are my rightful dues to him as a sister.

I felt like I was the outrageous one for a second and broke down because why do so many cultures think that this is a normal way to raise men? My two older brothers predictably grew up to be narcissists who expect women to give and give and give and give without expecting anything in return, and my younger brother, teen mood swings aside, might actually have a chance at being a decent man if they don't shove that belief system down his throat. So why?