To clarify something in the trailer
This is about how Erik’s septum ring was able to hold his body weight since I’ve seen some people question the logic of it in the comments of the trailer. Well the thing is, his nose ring was never holding his entire body weight during his final swing towards the fire.
There might’ve been a better first pic to use but this is the best angle I could find. You can’t see it since it’s off screen but his left arm is holding the chain that’s tied to the ceiling fan. So from this alone his septum ring was never holding up his body weight.
In the second pic some people might think that he falls because he got his nose ripped off. However, you can see that the fan has broken off the ceiling in just the right moment for him to fall into the fire. This is due to his body weight pulling the fan down and resulting in his demise(?). You can thank Death for that.
Most of you most likely already know this but I’m just clarifying for those who don’t and made a quick explanation.