I think this thread is needed to settle things once and for all and I hope many israeli people see this.

I do not know how many of Israelis are aware of the lebanese revolution that happened starting October 17 2019.

We manifested (peacefully mostly and sometimes violently) for months against our corrupt government .

I joined the protest myself and was very hopeful it was going to bring change to lebanon.

We had an election in 2022 and hezbolla and allies did NOT get majority of the seats. We really believed change was slowly happening in our country even if it was slow.

We believed that our protests and constantly exposing the corruption of our politicians and of hezbollah would be a long battle but we fought it either way.

I was never a political person but I knew that I had to vote for change cause I wanted a better Lebanon and I had to vote for a new political party that was all about doing reforms and taking people’s requests into consideration.

Now we do not elect our own president like the US does, the parliament has to, I don’t know why they didn’t and the country didn’t have a president since the last one (Michel Aoun, very corrupt and an ally of Hezbollah).

I encourage a lot of questions and dialogue and discussion on the matter, even if I myself couldn’t answer every single one, but it’s important for israeli people to understand the situation.

Hezbollah still operates in this country as if they have a mind of their own and they do not need any permission from anyone at this point, because they have reached a lot of power and influence and they are backed by Iran.

I do not know who sold our country to Iran but I know we’re paying the price.

I don’t want to see more comments like: “oh so now u’re angry about this? “

“Go up and do something!”

We did! At least I did, and now it is NOT the time for an uprise, we were met with bullets and violence before and now with all the ammunition exploding in beirut, it would be suicide for every lebanese person with a BRAIN to go protest there.

It’s like asking the people of Gaza to go protest peacefully somewhere NOW in the middle of everything happening.

BIBI, I adore your speech, it’s very strategic and very straight to the point but I gotta tell you, seriously?

Haven’t you been watching us fight for our country?

I know BIBI wanna make it seem like “uh oh… u didnt protest now? Well… u gave me no chooiiiiice! I gotta turn ur country into gaza! Buhuhu!”

That’s how it’s been going! Maybe many people are able to sleep at night knowing that we’re at fault for this, but no!

Many are and many aren’t.

It’s really short sighted to blame an entire population for a war they NEVER chose.

I don’t know if what I’m saying will resonate or make a difference in someone’s perspective on things, but I have to say it here.

These times are very sensitive and I hope we both don’t fall into the propaganda of our so called “leaders”. Bibi trying to make it sound like we ALL support hezbollah and as if we did NOTHING but sit on our asses, and hezbolla is making it sound like all jews are out to murder us and take our homes.

Together we can fight the lies 💙

Shalom and Salam, it is much needed 💙

I do not know how many of Israelis are aware of the lebanese revolution that happened starting October 17 2019.

We manifested (peacefully mostly and sometimes violently) for months against our corrupt government .

I joined the protest myself and was very hopeful it was going to bring change to lebanon.

We had an election in 2022 and hezbolla and allies did NOT get majority of the seats. We really believed change was slowly happening in our country even if it was slow.

We believed that our protests and constantly exposing the corruption of our politicians and of hezbollah would be a long battle but we fought it either way.

I was never a political person but I knew that I had to vote for change cause I wanted a better Lebanon and I had to vote for a new political party that was all about doing reforms and taking people’s requests into consideration.

Now we do not elect our own president like the US does, the parliament has to, I don’t know why they didn’t and the country didn’t have a president since the last one (Michel Aoun, very corrupt and an ally of Hezbollah).

I encourage a lot of questions and dialogue and discussion on the matter, even if I myself couldn’t answer every single one, but it’s important for israeli people to understand the situation.

Hezbollah still operates in this country as if they have a mind of their own and they do not need any permission from anyone at this point, because they have reached a lot of power and influence and they are backed by Iran.

I do not know who sold our country to Iran but I know we’re paying the price.

I don’t want to see more comments like: “oh so now u’re angry about this? “

“Go up and do something!”

We did! At least I did, and now it is NOT the time for an uprise, we were met with bullets and violence before and now with all the ammunition exploding in beirut, it would be suicide for every lebanese person with a BRAIN to go protest there.

It’s like asking the people of Gaza to go protest peacefully somewhere NOW in the middle of everything happening.

BIBI, I adore your speech, it’s very strategic and very straight to the point but I gotta tell you, seriously?

Haven’t you been watching us fight for our country?

I know BIBI wanna make it seem like “uh oh… u didnt protest now? Well… u gave me no chooiiiiice! I gotta turn ur country into gaza! Buhuhu!”

That’s how it’s been going! Maybe many people are able to sleep at night knowing that we’re at fault for this, but no!

Many are and many aren’t.

It’s really short sighted to blame an entire population for a war they NEVER chose.

I don’t know if what I’m saying will resonate or make a difference in someone’s perspective on things, but I have to say it here.

These times are very sensitive and I hope we both don’t fall into the propaganda of our so called “leaders”. Bibi trying to make it sound like we ALL support hezbollah and as if we did NOTHING but sit on our asses, and hezbolla is making it sound like all jews are out to murder us and take our homes.

Together we can fight the lies 💙

Shalom and Salam, it is much needed 💙