Whoever claims Shogun Medallian wins 90% of the time.

Whoever can claim the Shogun Medalliam wins the game almost every time, especially in solos or usually duo. Maybe this doesn't so much apply to Tio or Squad, but it 100% applies to solo/duo.

How are you exactly supposed to deal with a invisible ninja in solos? Ive outsmarted then maybe one or two times, which was Moreso luck and a little skill. But considering the opponent is of equal skill, you literally just lose.

Your only reql option is to wait until there's 3 left (solos) and you can try to third party the last guy hoping he's low. But anyone with half a brain isn't going to all-in the second from last guy because he is the one wanting to third-party YOU.

At the end of the day, there is no counter to the Medallion. Shotguns? You have to land every blast on someone you can't see, and even then, he will probably still outdamage you.

I'm sure plenty of people will come to the defense of, "lolz I kill guys with invis all the time".

Once you've played enough solo/duo you'll realize it literally comes down to however has the medallion.