Why do we think LM never updated his LinkedIn despite being chronically online?
According to his friend, he stopped working at TrueCar in early 2023 but didn’t change his LinkedIn. His surgery was summer 2023 (where it took place, we don’t know? Assuming it was at home, maybe JH as he seems like the type to only go to academic medical centers for treatment). He was back in Hawaii latest November per the citation.
During all this time, he was posting online but never updated his job.
Also, what was he doing for money? Did he amass a large cushion of savings? Hawaii’s the most expensive state to live in. He was paying for the rent at that Hawaii apartment even while gallivanting Asia and doing so while jobless it seemed.
It also seems like finding a new job wasn’t on his priority list for a while, otherwise most networking professionals would be eager to connect on LinkedIn… that’s super weird to me.
Was he just on a quest to find himself for over a year and a half? Is it out of the realm of possibility that he had some underground, black market job?
What do you think?