Nares Surgery? - I need help deciding if I should get the nares surgery done on my puppy
I have a six month old female french bulldog. I can’t decide if I should do the Nares Surgery on her or not. I need to decide soon because I would preferable do it during her spaying to avoid anesthesia twice.
Im am considering it because: -she snores a-lot and very loudly (when shes in certain positions) so I worry about sleep apnea. -it could get worse with age according to my vet.
Why I’m hesitant: -she never compensates by mouth breathing. -she really doesn’t have any other signs of breathing problems besides the snoring.
I have gotten my older french bulldog the nares surgery when he was a puppy (advise of my vet) and it helped him as he was always compensating with mouth breathing.
See attached photos of my sleepy baby 🥹
What are your thoughts?? Please share 🙏🏻 I’m really struggling with my decision